Matt Bond
Title: EVP, Content Distribution, NBCU
Years in Cable: 13 (CableFAX estimate)
Education: BS, BA, University of Denver; JD, University of Colorado
Why Him? As EVP of content distribution following Comcast’s acquisition of NBCU, Bond remains the right hand of CEO Steve Burke, with whom he’s worked for a decade. In addition to an instrumental role in development and oversight of the company’s windowing strategy and integration of premium video on demand, he is charged with ensuring NBCU customers have plenty of high-tech toys to keep them from straying.
Take A Hike: When he’s not dotting distribution deals for NBCU, Bond thinks it’s amusing to hike Colorado’s 14,000-foot peaks. He also surfs… and enjoys fly-fishing.
Year Ahead: Bond’s tenure seems secure as he leads the company’s authentication of the Olympics on cable through 2020, including the 2012 summer games in London.