It’s been a busy 12 months for Metronet and Overbaugh, who received a promotion to CFO in September and became the first female to join the company’s C-Suite. She was instrumental in Metronet completing three asset-back securitization bond offerings totaling $2.6 billion as well as several successful acquisitions. Overbaugh also ensured Metronet’s long-term safety by developing a long-range plan that’ll help guide decision making to achieve revenue growth, margin expansion and technological expansion.
My prediction for the $42 billion BEAD program: As technology continues to advance and digital infrastructure becomes increasingly integral to daily life, initiatives like the BEAD program play a crucial role in driving further development and ensuring access to broadband services. By allocating such resources, the program aims to expand broadband infrastructure, enhance network reliability and increase internet speeds in underserved and rural areas. However, the effectiveness of the BEAD program will ultimately depend on how efficiently the funds are deployed to maximize the impact and deliver tangible benefits to consumers in the near term.
Favorite way to de-stress? I love working out—running, weightlifting, swimming, playing tennis or anything else that makes me sweat.
Do you personally still have a traditional cable video package? I’ve transitioned away from traditional cable video packages in favor of a la carte streaming services like YouTube TV, Netflix, Hulu, and others. However, we personally have chosen a limited number of streaming services in our household in an effort to balance on demand entertainment choices with other activities and promoting responsible screen usage for our children.
Fast food guilty pleasure: a sausage McMuffin from McDonald’s. I was sad when they quit serving breakfast all day.
Summer Olympics event you most want to see in person? As a former college tennis player, definitely tennis.