Sandra Girado

Girado oversees the production and management of some of the media industry’s largest and most high-profile events specific to diversity and inclusion. She also oversees the NAMIC Vision Awards, which honor the best of multicultural programming, and directs the nonprofit’s communications and marketing strategy. “It’s important to understand the impact of unconscious bias in the workplace,” Girado says.

A February 2018 UCLA study revealed that of the 45 new scripted shows approved for 2017-18 across broadcast, cable and digital platforms, only four were from creators of color, all of whom were black. What is your reaction to this report?
It shows that while there has been an increase in awareness amongst executives that diversity is a hot-button issue, we still have a long way to go in terms of implementing further progress in media and entertainment.

What’s a recent example of a step forward for diversity in the industry?
Starbucks closing their 8,000-plus facilities to provide unconscious bias training for employees was a wake-up call. It’s important to understand the impact of Unconscious Bias in the workplace and the implications for multicultural teams, organizational effectiveness, and talent development.

What’s your best advice to someone just entering the video content/distribution industry?
Volume is key to your success. Viewership will increase once you start increasing your volume and publish content on a consistent basis.

If there were a reality show based on your office, what would it be called?
“Survivor: NAMIC Island” or “Heroes/Heroes Reborn.”

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