ESPN’s college channel SEC Network debuted five new shows under Durant’s watch during the 2018-19 season, She’s also been instrumental in the launch of the ACC Network, which made its debut last month. The network will carry 450 live events per year, and will include 40 football games, 150 men’s and women’s basketball games and other sports. “Sports provide the best reflection of the America I love,” she says. “The athletes and fans represent all of us. We play, celebrate and commiserate together.”
How can diversity be better incorporated into the recruiting process?
We can start by setting higher expectations around diverse candidate pools. Insist on it and get creative about how to accomplish it. Then diversify the hiring panels to help offset the unconscious biases we all have.
What questions is the industry not yet asking in its efforts to be more diverse and inclusive that it should be?
We need to look around and ask ourselves if our organizations are best positioned to attract the broadest audiences possible. Do we have people who reflect and understand the intricacies of the different subsets of that audience, and are their voices heard and incorporated? If not, how do we commit to putting in the work to change that to improve our business delivery?
Which current television show/s best embrace diversity?
Sports provide the best reflection of the America I love. The athletes and fans represent all of us. We play, celebrate and commiserate together.