We are very grateful for a nature show that speaks to the burgeoning nature enthusiast. Rock the Park is meant for viewers too old for kid’s shows yet young enough to revel in seeing some of nature’s wonders for the first time. Rock the Park deftly walks that tightrope, engaging its viewers with the marvels of nature without talking down to its very intelligent audience.

Honored For:

  • Cablefax Awards Gala 2017
    • Program Awards
      Best Show or Series – Animals / Nature
    • Program Awards
      Best Show or Series – Children‘s (Over 12)
    • Program Awards
      Jack Steward and Colton Smith, Rock the Park (Hulu/Litton Entertainment)
      Best Host – Animals / Nature
  • Cablefax 2018 Program and Trailer Awards
    • Best Show or Series by Genre
      Best Show or Series – Children’s (Over 12)