Ray Warren, President, Telemundo Deportes -- (Photo by: Heidi Gutman/NBCuniversal)

Education: York College of The City University of New York

France wasn’t the only winner in last year’s Men’s FIFA World Cup. Warren emerged a champ as his efforts overseeing all marketing, production and ad sales for the tournament brought the network to record numbers and added to its coffers as a top brand in Spanish-language global sports programming. A genuine sports enthusiast, Warren brings passion to his work, which will help ensure success stories for the FIFA Women’s World Cup France and Copa America this summer. Next, Warren dives into Telemundo Deportes’ exclusive presentation of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.

My prediction for direct-to-consumer video is… It will alter all of the supply/demand relationships in our industry.

Last show binged not on your networks: “Killing Eve”

Last linear content you watched live: “The Masters”… for five hours straight from 9: 30am-2: 30pm

How do you stay motivated in your job? Curiosity

Biggest challenge facing the industry? The integration of two very diverse generations that have grown up differently, and are growing up in an industry that is changing every day.

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