Peter Ruben

Education: MBA, UCLA Anderson School of Business

One word that best describes me: Integrity

Each member of the HSN exec team brings a unique role to the com­pany’s success. Cotter is charged with ensuring viewers are always engaged, making HSN a content-driven retailing leader. Ruben oversees TV distribution efforts and has been instrumental in launching HSN Shop by Remote. Brand, who encourages employee charitable service, continues to focus on personalizing the customer experience and is focusing on the lifecycle marketing program and com­munity blogs to increase user and customer engagement. Schmeling is a hands-on manager involved with an impressive command of the company’s operations, and Gross­man’s leadership has driven HSN to experience continued growth for years, despite a down economy and challenging retail environment.

My first job: In cable TV as a marketing coordinator for Warner Amex Cable. Part-time was a produce clerk at Shop Rite.

Favorite charity event: RUFF, Rescue Ur Furever Friend.

If this election year was a reality TV series, it would be called… “You Can’t Make This Stuff Up”

What should cable do to improve its image? Create clear expectations for customers and exceed them.

My favorite hashtag: #humblebrag

Hoverboard, driverless car or drone: Driverless Car—the roads will be safer.

I watch the majority of program­ming on this device: 55-inch Samsung HD TV.

Favorite vacation spot: Viceroy Hotel in Anguilla

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