Matt Dosch, Comporium

Years at Current Organization: 27

First Job in the Industry: Regulatory analyst at OPASTCO in Washington, DC

Bucket List: Iceland’s Ring Road. I’ve started planning this trip several times but have always had to put it off. One day…

How many companies have you worked for? In one sense it’s hard to believe that I’ve only worked for one company for almost the entirety of my career. But time goes quickly when you are: 1) engaged in something worthwhile (bringing connectivity to rural areas and small towns) 2) with smart people who all buy in to the vision of forward-looking technology backed by high-quality customer service.

Band I’d go see live: Arcade Fire. I’m an aging hipster-wannabe cliché…

The phrase “digital divide” will go away when… not only does everyone in the country have access to high-quality broadband, but they have the resources and skills necessary to take advantage of it in their daily lives, regardless of income or other demographic challenges.

Has the telco rollout of 5G wireless in North America impacted your business? Minimally. In the less-densely populated areas we serve, we see 5G’s need for robust fiber deployment as a future opportunity, not necessarily a threat.

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