Leonard Asper, Anthem Sports & Entertainment

Years in Media & Broadband: 30

Education: Graduate of University of Toronto Law School, Member of Ontario Bar

My personal superpower is: The power of positive thinking

What habit are you keeping post-pandemic? Getting up early!

How does the country narrow the digital divide? Use tax incentives for computer purchases and corporate incentives for providing broadband access.

How has the pandemic forever changed programming? People accept more raw and direct relationships with creators.

Number of times flown in the past year? 5

Favorite mask? Winnipeg Jets

What show/movie hasn’t been rebooted that you wish would be? “The Godfather”

New slang word or phrase you’ve learned? “That’s so fire.”

Your personal D&I epiphany? We have come further than many acknowledge. We still have further to go than many realize.

Your pandemic theme song? “One Little Victory” (Rush).

Status of your sourdough bread starter? R.I.P.

If you could host a Clubhouse chat with anyone, who would it be? If historical character, John Stuart Mill – if alive, Kendrick Lamar.

My prediction for the future of regional sports networks: Dire – or as Mr. T said, “Pain.”

What sort of broadband will the average US household need in five years? Immeasurable amounts – assume 10x at least!

How many TikTok dances have you learned? None.

What’s the future of direct-to-consumer streaming look like? Coalesced around studio and sports platforms.

What’s your COVID vaccine slogan? Just do it.

My comfort TV binge? Anything MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe).

What are you most looking forward to this summer? Backyard BBQs!

Last podcast listened to: Conan and Malcom Gladwell. [“Conan Needs a Friend: Malcolm Gladwell” – episode #51]

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