In early 2023, Ferneau launched the multi-generational series “The Way Home,” Hallmark Channel’s first original scripted series in six years. Not only does the series reflect Ferneau’s desire to bring female-centric stories to viewers, it also underscores her support of women behind the camera, like the show’s mother-daughter creators Heather Conkie and Alexandra Clarke.
“Maintaining passion for your job is essential. If you ever start to feel bored, complacent or lack excitement, it may be a signal to make a change. I always strive to challenge myself and push boundaries.”
How do you de-stress? Sustaining a work-life balance can be challenging. Whenever I am feeling overly stressed or anxious, I like to take a walk, read a book, or indulge in a spa day. The best solace for me after a stressful day is to go to the ocean; it always calms me down and rejuvenates my soul.