In 2017, Dixon focused on copyright and privacy issues, making sure everyone in the industry got involved. “Our top priority is to ensure that the overall legal framework—communications law, copyright, privacy—preserves incentives for all players in the industry to invest, innovate and experiment to meet evolving consumer demands,” he says. Dixon applies a similar wide approach to negotiating. “Spend as much time understanding the other party … not just what they say they need, but the motivations behind it,” he says. That spirit of cooperation is important, with Dixon often joining with peers at Disney, Fox, Viacom and CBS to lobby together on policy issues.
What have been the most important legal issues in communications for you in the past year?
Business demands continue to drive our advocacy. Our top priority is to ensure that the overall legal framework— communications law, copyright, privacy—preserves incentives for all players in the industry to invest, innovate and experiment to meet evolving consumer demands.
What is your golden rule for negotiating?
Spend as much time understanding the other party as refining your own position – not just what they say they need, but the motivations behind it. Empathy can be critical to negotiating a win for your business.
What movie superhero would you most like to be and how would that character fit into the legal world of communications?
Batman, of course. He’s the consummate early-adopter – innovations from his utility belt are coming soon to a handheld or wearable device near you!