Kristi Salmon

In the wake of the pandemic, Salmon enhanced products and services to capture SMB demand, leading the rollout of connectivity solutions that resulted in revenue at Mediacom Business trending at an 18% increase to date. She’s now focused on a new arm—Mediacom Premiere Communities—targeting commercial MTE owners, managers and developers. Salmon consistently mentors female interns and new hires.

“Beth Dutton in ‘Yellowstone’ is my hero. I love her tenacity, fearlessness and ferociousness. When Beth walks in a room, people take notice, and she surely can hold her own in any situation.”

How do you believe convergence will change the industry? The broadband industry has been a vertical able to pivot numerous times given changes in the business landscape. We are always finding new and innovative ways to leverage the power of our networks to work more efficiently. Adding broadband and phone as an offering in addition to TV was a huge game changer for our industry and improved revenue streams. Convergence will be yet another way to simplify operations and improve customer experience.

If you took a six-month sabbatical, how would you spend it? Like Julia Roberts in the movie Eat Pray Love – eating in Italy, meditation in India and yoga in Bali.

What inspired you to pursue a leadership role? I think it’s simply the natural progression of never being satisfied and always wanting to move forward, hoping your work speaks for itself and people notice.

What’s something you admire about Gen Z? The digital native aspect of the generation. They’re wired to understand technology so easily because they grew up on devices. There is a better understanding and adaption to any online/digital/social platform without the learning curve the rest of us have.

As a woman who grew up with Barbie, what was your reaction to Greta Gerwig’s “Barbie” movie? While I’m a champion for strong women, this wasn’t exactly the role model example I felt was worth the hype and revenue generation. Fun? Sure. Serious? Not in my opinion.

How are you using AI in your job or how do you envision using it down the road? AI has been so instrumental to fueling our digital marketing strategy. The algorithms behind feeding the system what needs to be suppressed or finding look-a-like audiences to be laser focused on how we target, and segment audiences is critical. Most importantly, we can do it with little waste and the necessary analytics to better understand our KPIs.

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