Years in Industry: 33
Education: BS, Marketing, Southeast Missouri State University
Vast Broadband started the year with an agreement to purchase NTS Communications in January, an important transaction on Gleason’s checklist. The acquisition marks a new chapter of evolution at Vast, one in which Gleason is deeply vested as he continues to work with senior management on the transition. NTS operates a fiber network spanning over 2,700 owned route miles passing more than 60,000 homes and businesses in various Texas and Louisiana markets. Vast also was named Cablefax’s 2019 Independent Operator of the Year.
My prediction for direct-to-consumer video is… Consolidation and aggregation
What do you think will be the biggest game changer to come from 10G? Hard to say – increased speed always leads to increased innovation.
What item in your home or office most “sparks joy” in you? Our kids and our dog
Best brand campaign you’ve seen lately? Hate to say it… AT&T “Okay doctor” ad
A skinny bundle can’t survive without… Original programming
Last linear content you watched live: I watch a ton of sports. Last one–NCAA basketball and St. Louis Cardinals
How do you stay motivated in your job? New challenges, new acquisitions
Biggest challenge facing the industry? Continuing to improve overall service
What quality do you look for when promoting someone? Ability to innovate in their job.