Bringing a merged family together under one roof is no easy task, but Heitman has made the rebranding of RCN, Grande and Wave into Astound Broadband look effortless. Through the integrations of acquisitions like Harris Broadband and three former WOW! markets, she’s also been a culture setter and continues to play a key role in moving Astound’s DEI initiatives forward.
“There are still biases both conscious and unconscious at play in society and therefore the workplace. We must work through them. Identify them and call them out, even if it is yourself, your fellow friends, family, co-workers or supervisors. It is hard, brave and courageous work. All things worthwhile take courage and bravery.”
What’s one thing you wish been told early in your career? My career began with college in 1979, a time when many things were changing for women: the ERA vote, feminism and looking beyond our traditional roles. We were blazing a path. We were a force, breaking down barriers. I would tell my younger self the path is sometimes lonely, scary and you may feel like you are losing your way. It is a worthwhile journey as it is filled with many rewards and exhilarating moments. Keep doing the best you can with determination, persistence, bravery, and speaking your truth.
Favorite Life Hack: Prioritize, prioritize, prioritize. Plan A, Plan B, Plan C. Evaluate what is driving desired results looking through the lens of what to keep doing, do more of, stop doing, and add. If it has been on your list and keeps getting shuffled around, drop it so it is not occupying your mind.
Advice on embracing change: One way that I find very helpful in embracing change is to be a part of the change—meaning give feedback, initiate it and then drive it.
My personal theme songs: It’s a tie amongst 4: Katy Perry’s “Roar,” Helen Reddy’s “I Am Woman,” “Respect” by Aretha Franklin and Cindi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”
Best takeaway from an employee resource group: Find inspiration, be inspiration, find a mentor, be a mentor—lift others up on your journey.