CBS Studios produces six of broadcast television’s highest-rated scripted shows—including CBS’ hit comedy “Ghosts”—in addition to 16 of the top series at Paramount+, which range from “Evil” to “Star Trek: Picard” and the animated “Star Trek: Lower Decks.” Stapf has expanded the Studios’ roster to include programming for external partners like Netflix, Roku, Apple, Freevee, CW and NBC. He’s also focusing on existing IP—“Star Trek: Starfleet Academy” and a Michelle Yeoh movie, “Star Trek: Section 31”—are in the works.
What’s your position on Stanley cups (not the NHL kind)? My wife tells me all the time that I should hydrate.
TV series everyone should binge: Without a doubt, “Colin from Accounts.”
Business speak phrase or buzzword I find most annoying: Our studio develops content for streaming, broadcast and cable, but I’m particularly tired of “broadcast television is dead/dying.” Broadcast television, if done right, still gets huge audiences week after week both in the U.S. and around the world. Last year alone, the “NCIS” franchise had over 300 million viewers globally.
Book, movie or TV series that greatly influenced my leadership style: “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff”
Favorite way to de-stress? Doodling
Fast food guilty pleasure: The burger at Juicy Ladies. I still can’t believe that’s on their menu.
Summer Olympics event you most want to see in person? Triple jump—only because I competed in this freakish event in middle school.