It’s been a year of highs and lows for the Diamond Sports team since the company applied for bankruptcy in March 2023, but Preschlack has fearlessly led his team and things are looking brighter by the day. Diamond Sports’ restructuring plan earned court approval in February, and it earned a new friend in Amazon, which committed to make a minority investment and engage in a commercial deal to offer games carried on Diamond’s RSNs on Prime Video.
Business speak phrase or buzzword I find most annoying: “To be honest with you” because it implies that person is sometimes not honest with me. “TAM” or “Total Addressable Market” is a close second because it is so overused.
What’s your position on Stanley cups (not the NHL kind)? They should do a deal with the NHL or vice versa.
Do you personally still have a traditional cable video package? Of course, and it’s getting more valuable by the day.
What celebrity would you hire for your company and why? Ryan Reynolds, there’s no better corporate pitchman.
If you were a social media influencer, what product would you peddle? Regional sports network direct-to-consumer subscriptions.
Favorite way to destress? Nothing like a day at the beach.