Years in Cable: 33
Education: BA, Journalism, UNC Chapel Hill
One Word that Best Describes Me: Relentlessly Focused
More than 30 million K-12 students around the world are reaping educational benefits thanks to Goodwyn’s vision to bring digital content into the classroom with a suite of digital services. One of the newest additions, the Discovery Education Science Techbook, was specifically created to help educators introduce pupils to the Next Generation Science Standards framework. By cornering the market on worldwide educational services— even partnering with other organizations to provide teachers, students and parents with educational resources at no cost—Goodwyn has turned Discovery Education into the company’s fastest-growing division.
Last show I watched not on my network(s): “Billions”
My first job: Picking cucumbers on a farm in Eastern North Carolina
Best way to spend a Saturday night: With my lovely wife and no iPhone in sight
My cable industry mentor and why: Fred Dressler. He was exception- ally talented and skilled and always found time to help/mentor others. Fred taught me the importance of relationships and trust when you are focused on long-term value creation.
Hoverboard, driverless car or drone: Driverless car. I won’t text and drive but I could text and ride…
I watch the majority of programming on this device: It is called a television
Favorite vacation spot: Home
My typical breakfast is: Five cups of coffee