While continuously working to shape Fox Networks Group’s digital policies and development, Reyna always finds time to participate in mentorship programs within the company and develop junior executives. She’s also involved at USC and Loyola Law School, where she has been a guest speaker for their digital media law classes. What advice would she give to those mentees looking to get into the industry? “Understand how we got here, and keep learning about new technology and new forms of distribution.”

A February 2018 UCLA study revealed that of the 45 new scripted shows approved for 2017-18 across broadcast, cable and digital platforms, only four were from creators of color, all of whom were black. What is your reaction to this report?
We should all read the entire report for its results and nuances. I’m pleased that the report is produced on an annual basis because the industry continues to evolve, as does the report. I appreciate that the subtitle for this particular report was, “Five Years of Progress and Missed Opportunities.”

What’s your best advice to someone just entering the video content/distribution industry?
Understand how we got here, and keep learning about new technology and new forms of distribution.

What’s been the most dramatic change in your sector of the business today vs. three years ago?
The emergence of online direct to consumer offerings has been the most dramatic difference in my sector of the cable business. This new form of delivery has challenged the industry to re-think content and distribution rights.

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