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multiscreen insights
No Deal for CBS on Sling TV

DISH and CBS reached a new retransmission consent deal last Thursday evening after a three-day blackout cost DISH customers a Thanksgiving football game. While the new pact restored CBS-owned broadcast stations and cable channels to the satellite provider’s system, it failed to address the broadcaster’s absence from DISH-owned Sling TV

ITC Rules Comcast X1 Boxes Infringe on TiVo Patents

The International Trade Commission determined that Comcast’s X1 set-top boxes infringe on two patents held by TiVo and ruled to prohibit the operator from importing or selling boxes equipped with software related to those patents

Pai's Turn: FCC Chairman Fights Back Against Critics of Net Neutrality Plan

After enduring scathing tweets, critical headlines and protests outside his home, FCC chmn Ajit Pai came out swinging Tuesday in defense of his proposal to roll back the 2015 Open Internet order

Adobe: TV Everywhere Platforms Thriving with SSO Functionality

TV Everywhere platforms are seeing increased usage thanks in part to the proliferation of single-sign on (SSO) functionality, according to Adobe

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