The Skinny

There continues to be a focus on linear assets and preserving the value they bring, meaning programmers that also own an SVOD service have to figure out how to maintain the worth of linear when negotiating with distributors. That adds a layer of difficulty when SVODs include exclusive content that used to be on linear TV, but NBCU CEO Jeff Shell doesn’t think there will be a major change in the near term in regards to pricing. Speaking of negotiations—or lack thereof—Altice USA’s board opted to continue operating its Suddenlink business, signaling a drop in M&A activity as inflation impacts the industry.

Programmers With SVODs Still Have Linear Pricing Power
NBCU CEO Jeff Shell doesn’t believe owning an SVOD will weaken the negotiating position of programmers with linear assets. Read More »
Altice Says No Suddenlink Sale, Industry Faces M&A Headwinds
With the Federal Reserve expected to continue to raise interest rates to get a handle on inflation, there’s concern that the increasing rates will threaten access to capital and discourage M&A in the broadband and telecom sector. Read More »
Evoca On Verge of Shutdown
Evoca TV announced late Wednesday it would shut down on Dec. 31 if it doesn’t raise additional capital, but don’t mourn the service quite yet. CEO Todd Achilles told CFX Thursday that the ATSC 3.0-based service is already well on its way to raising the funding it needs to go on. Read More »
Executive Round Up: How do networks keep holiday programming fresh?
We asked executives how their companies keep their holiday programming fresh year after year. Here’s what they had to say.  Read More »
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